The Eternals are a race of immortal aliens from a distant planet who arrived on Earth thousands of years ago to protect humanity from a race of alien predators called Deviants. The Eternals were alerted to the Deviant threat by the Celestials, a race of cosmic builders whose fingerprints are on the very building blocks of life itself.
Age: 4 years and up
- Item Code: E9535
- Product Dimensions(H): 18 cm
- Package Dimensions: 15 x 23 cm
- Contents: Figure, changeable hands, and build a figure piece
- Fans and collectors alike can enjoy this Legend Series figure inspired by the character from the movie
- Figure features premium design, detail, and articulation for high poseability and display in a Marvel collection
- His quality 6-inch Marvel Legends figure features multiple points of articulation and is a great addition to any action figure collection