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Digitech Multifunction Environment Meter with DMM

$219.00 $229.00

A multi-function environment meter that combines the functions of a sound level meter, light meter, humidity meter and temperature meter. Typical sound applications include checking acoustics of recording studios, auditoriums and professional hi-fi installations. The light and humidity meters are ideal for video photographers, greenhouse and hydroponic setups, etc. Others who should find this meter essential include interior designers, factory and office managers, record and archive keepers, schools, hospitals, laboratories and, of course, universities.


• Sound level meter
• Light level meter
• Indoor temperature and humidity measurement
• Non contact voltage
• Display: 4000 count
• Safety Category: Cat IV 600V
• Basic DCV accuracy: 1%
• Temperature: -20°C to 750°C (±1.2%)
• Ave/RMS: Ave
• Input impedance: 10M
• Special features: Lux, SPL, Humidity

Product Dimensions
Length 170mm
Width 75mm
Depth 48mm